Vitamin C- A Powerful Anti-Aging Skin Agent
by: Joseph Constant
Here is a question for you the reader, what do pineapple, ripe strawberries, oranges, and Shea butter have in common? They are all filled with an ingredient that can take years off your look and appearance. What is that? Vitamin C. The stuff that we take for granted because it is packed into a container and a staple in health food stores was one of the unknown substances when it came to banishing fine lines and wrinkles. It has now been established that vitamin C, especially found in Shea butter, in its proper form can restore a smooth surface and a youthful glow to aging skin. Here is the scoop on Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant. An Anti-oxidant is a substance that vanquishes free radicals. Free radicals are those vicious little molecule monsters that irreparably damage our cells and accelerate the aging process. What makes Vitamin C so wonderful? The heart of Vitamin C is its restorative and healing powers in the form of its anti-oxidant properties. Here are at-least three roles where this Vitamin A plays in our health.
First, Vitamin C boosts our immune system. Vitamin C strenghtnes the white blood cells of our body, which is our chief defense against invasion by bacteria and viruses. According to one Nobel-Prize winning scientist, supplemental Vitamin C could work wonders on the immune function. Research even suggests that people do not get enough Vitamin C are far more vulnerable to a variety of infections and illnesses from colds to even cancer.
Secondly, Vitamin C helps to give us energy. It also aids in the productions of other crucial body chemicals. One of these, called L-carnitine, is essential in producing energy. L-carnitine moves fats into the mitochondria where the fats are converted to energy. A Vitamin C deficiency can cause cell levels of L-carnitine levels to drop significantly, making it harder for cells to oxidize fats to create energy.
Third, Vitamin C is necessary to the nervous system. Vitamin C also helps produce neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the brain chemicals that help the nerves in the central nervous system (which guide the brain) and the nerves in the peripheral nervous system, which is the system responsible for directing muscle movement) communicate. Without the ability of the central and peripheral nervous systems to communicate, we could not think clearly or move our bodies. The amazing powers of restoration of Vitamin C extend to the skin, including aging skin. Here is how this is done.
Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen. Collagen is the strong connective tissue that holds our skin together. Without collagen, our skin would fall apart because protein again holds our skin together, attaches our muscles to our bones and keeps our organs and skin in place. Where does Vitamin C work its miraculous wonders for the skin? It does this when healing inflammations of the skin. Here is the science behind it.
Scientists have made two important discoveries regarding Vitamin C. First, Vitamin C hinders the production of a chemical known as arachidonic acid. This acid causes inflammation. Secondly, Vitamin C actually converts the arachidonic acid from a pre-inflammatory chemical into a group of les harmful substances. Here is what is so dangerous about arachidonic acid.
About The Author
Joseph Constant is the founder of A.R. Skincare, a company devoted to community awareness of natural products using Premium Grade A Shea Butter. Please visit to keep up to date with health and skincare tips. Also visit
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Vitamin C- A Powerful Anti-Aging Skin Agent
Posted by Beebee at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Vitamin C
Second Anti-Aging Secret
Second Anti-Aging Secret: Minerals Without Fail
by: Luzia Braun
Minerals rank with protein as the most neglected, haphazardly obtained nutrients in our American diet. And more especially in the diets of persons past forty. One of the 'three starvations of later years,' spoken of frequently in nutritional reports, is mineral starvation. (The other two ''starvations' in older bodies are protein and vitamin B-complex.)Protein and minerals are so closely linked that to advise you to eat plenty of protein, without stressing the need for equal care in obtaining a full quota of minerals, would be to tell only half the Eat-and-Grow-Younger story. A report made this year to the National Academy of Sciences by a research team headed by Dr. Cannon emphasizes that the minerals potassium, phosphorus and magnesium are essential in the diet for proper use of all body-building protein foods. This research team discovered that omitting potassium from the diet could lead to eventual congestive heart failure. Dead tissue developed within the heart muscles six days after potassium was taken out of the diet. But when potassium was restored to the diet, the body muscles began to rebuild, and the dead tissues in the heart healed. In other words, with potassium again present, protein could resume its appointed task of repairing and replacing body cells. Protein and minerals are the chief actors in the nutritional drama, while vitamins play a secondary, although essential, role (vitamins, the front-page news of the past decade, are now recognized as being solely activators, that is, substances needed to set other substances into action). To neglect any of these three food elements is to wreck the nutritional drama. Yet to star vitamins over protein and minerals is an equally unsound practice. You can't repair your body cells with vitamins alone, nor can you expect vitamins to do the nutritional work of minerals.
Each of the three food elements-protein, minerals, vitamins has its own specific task in preparing your body for a long, youthful life. If I seem to emphasize protein and minerals more than I do vitamins, it's only because I feel certain the vitamin story is well enough known not to need detailed repetition in this book. On the other hand, I'm afraid the mineral story has been too often pushed into the background by 'sensational' vitamin news. Yet today, more than ever before, nutrition experts are turning to mineral therapy. The final report of the New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Nutrition for 1947 contains an article by Dr. C. Ward Crampton, noted authority on diseases of older persons, in which he .states: 'The foremost nutritional defects in the mature and aging are calcium, iron and protein.
Seventy-five per cent of the men of sixty suffer a lack of one or more. On the other hand, many suffer dietary excesses, notably carbohydrates and possibly cholesterol.'Dr. Crampton goes on to report that the American diet is more deficient in calcium than in any other food element. Our ordinary menu is calcium-poor. This calcium deficiency accumulates, becoming increasingly serious as the person grows older. Calcium is so important an ingredient of your blood that your bloodstream will attempt to maintain its calcium level, even though it has to rob other body parts of their vitally needed calcium. That is why, in many older persons, the bones, robbed of their calcium by the blood, become more fragile, resulting in easily fractured arms, legs and hips. It is also why calcium-starved heart muscles and brain cells often give up the struggle to maintain normal functioning in bodies that are comparatively young in years. Your nerves, your heart, your teeth, your brain cells, your blood-all need sufficient calcium to remain healthy, and to function as nature intended. Commenting that 'calcium poverty is one common cause of aging that can be corrected,' Dr. Crampton prescribes a grain of calcium lactate for each year of your age, taken in three doses three hours after each meal.
An inexpensive and convenient way to obtain added calcium in the diet is through the use of powdered skim milk. This dry milk provides needed calcium and protein, along with iron, copper, manganese, cobalt and other trace minerals-less the fats which are wisely limited during the later years. Even though you obtain ample calcium in your diet, quite unknowingly you may be allowing certain foods to rob your body of this vital mineral. Beet greens and spinach contain oxalic acid which deprives the body of its calcium; but you can eat turnip greens, kale and dandelion greens with full assurance that you are not upsetting the balance of this valuable mineral in your body. In fact, dandelion greens that springtime dish of your childhood-have high calcium and vegetable protein content which make them an excellent spring salad. Also, don't indulge in cocoa or rhubarb too freely, since both of them have a high oxalic acid content, and by frequent use of these two foods you run the risk of lowering your calcium reserves. It is Dr. Crampton’s belief that a deficiency of iron is nearly always present in the 'uncared-for person in the higher-age brackets.' He says that the typical person of sixty is anaemic, iron-poor and body-poor, unnecessarily so. And this condition is worse in those persons who are following some unwise diet because of 'dyspepsia' or 'indigestion.' Insufficient hydrochloric acid in the gastric secretions is a common cause of iron poverty in the older body.
Minerals that regulate everything in the human body from 'sight to sex' are lacking in a vast acreage of the croplands that spread across our country. Agricultural scientists are accumulating more and more evidence that a wide variety of human ills are caused by the poor nutrition furnished by foods grown in mineral-starved soils. Dr. K. Starr Chester, head of a staff of farm researchers, has announced that numerous studies show the soil in nearly every state lacks one or more trace elements-cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, boron. All food grown on mineral-poor soil (and the soil on American farms is estimated to have lost from 50 per cent upwards of its mineral contents in the past fifty-five years) is dangerously inadequate in iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and sulphur.
For this reason, I cannot say to you with confidence that such-and-such a vegetable or fruit will provide you with this, that or the other mineral. I can tell you that a certain food should provide certain minerals. But, strictly speaking, the only way I know of at the present time (until some of our high authorities and conservation experts wake up and make obligatory the preservation and restoration of minerals in the farm and garden soils of our nation) to give you foolproof advice on minerals is to recommend the use of a reliable mineral concentrate, provided you are in doubt about the mineral content of the foods available to you. The multiple-mineral concentrate is the best way to use a mineral supplement to the diet. In whatever way you choose to obtain your full daily quota of minerals, for the sake of the restored youthfulness and the long life you so ardently desire, don't neglect these vital food elements. They are minute-to-minute essentials to your health.
About The Author
Luzia Braun
We are specialized in anti-aging health products. Learn 'The Six Secrets To A Long Young Life'. To receive your free report visit our website and sign up for your free copy.
Posted by Beebee at 6:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Minerals
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Say 'No' To Aging - Anti Aging Secrets
Say 'No' To Aging - Anti Aging Secrets
by: Michael Douglas
We all have seen our grandparents and parents grow old and most of us protest against the idea of aging in the same ways they did. In fact, we look for safer, more convenient and medically sound way to live longer, empower ourselves, and remain healthy throughout life. We may refer to it as 'quality longevity.' The everyday choices that we make have a greater impact on us than genetics, which account for only one-third of what determines our health as we age.
Hence, the quality of life is very much in our hands. Empowering ourselves for the future requires learning new skills as well as honing the ones we already have. Try some of these strategies to live longer, feel and look younger.
Sharpen your mind:
A sharp mind helps in staying fit. We're more inclined to have good relationships, eat well and live a healthy lifestyle with a sharper mind. Doing mental aerobics can improve memory and lower your risk for Alzheimer's disease. A recent study found that when we keep our minds active, brain efficiency increases dramatically, even after just a few weeks. Try different approaches to expanding your mental horizons, whether it's travelling to new destinations, learning a musical instrument, or going back to school. Stay mentally active through puzzles, games, reading and other stimulating hobbies, but be sure to train and not strain your brain.
Cultivate healthy relationships:
Socially connected people have longer life expectancies than isolated individuals. Cultivate intimacy with your partner since good sex makes for a longer life. Not only does it bring people closer together, it lowers blood pressure, reduces pain, promotes restful sleep and boosts the immune system so we are better able to fight off infections. Our ability to understand another person's emotional viewpoint and to express that understanding is the social glue that keeps us together.
Reduce stress:
We can't completely eliminate stress from our lives, but we can learn healthier responses to it. We all can try to minimise stress to live longer and better. You can do it in many ways. Like control clutter in your home. Get more realistic about how much you take on each day. Try eliminating just a few items from your to-do list. Regular meditation reduces stress and also boosts the immune system. Empower yourself with the word 'no.'
Think positive:
Optimists have a greater life expectancy than pessimists. Make an effort to see the cup half-full. Recent studies show that we can learn optimism when we set our minds to it. Discover your spiritual life. Attending a house of worship once a week is associated with a seven-year-longer survival compared with never attending. Take care of your needs. Satisfied people are twice as likely to survive compared with dissatisfied individuals.
Manage your environment:
Our environment has a big influence on how we feel and how long we live. Whether it's traffic, noise, or other aspects of the environment at large, or more personal environmental issues such as aesthetics or bedroom temperature, our 'quality longevity' requires that we not only adapt to these influences but learn to shape them to meet our individual tastes and needs. Bear in mind function and aesthetics when designing your home and workspace. Manage your technology to avoid information overload.
About The Author
Michael Douglas is a beauty expert and the webmaster of which investigates all aspects of aging - from psychology to make-up
Posted by Beebee at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Say 'No' To Aging
Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care
Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care
by: Jennifer Kays
Our skin is of vital importance to our health. Our skin is responsible for providing protection from environment, providing us with an emotional sense of boundary, creating sensual awareness to communication with the "outside" world e.g. feeling pleasure or pain signals that are vital to our survival and well being.. How our skin feels physically often determines the way we feel emotionally.
Our skin is one way that we communicate information about ourselves to others. We blush, turn pale, signal "worry" or "stress"with wrinkles in our forehead or around our eyes and mouth. Our skin often is used by others to form an impression of our age, how much we are indoors or outdoors and our activity, through scars, wrinkles, colors, and texture of our skin. Our skin is a signal to ourselves and others about our overall health internally, externally, physically and emotionally. "How do I look?" i.e. "What are others seeing and, perhaps, thinking about me?", is a question about the appearance of our skin. This information comes from the tone, texture, firmness, and aroma of our skin.
Our skin is one of the largest "organs" of our body composing about 10% of our body weight. Our skin entirely replaces it's surface about every 60 to 90 days. Our skin eliminates waste, toxins, sends signals to our internal bodies, and actually breathes. Disturbances in our skin, e.g. eruptions, dryness, oil, rash, "age spots" wrinkles, blotches, etc are often an indication of our internal health..
Many of us have used synthetic prescription drugs, lotions, or creams, to care for our skin. Often these synthetic substances are accompanied by undesired and sometimes harmful "side effects". Our bodies are designed by nature to absorb and use substances that are natural. When an "unnatural", i.e. synthetic substance, is introduced into or on our body, it "interprets" that synthetic, unnatural substance as "foreign"or as an "invader".Our body protects itself either through the production of antibodies from our immune system or does not absorb these synthetic substances.
In contrast, our body readily recognizes, absorbs and uses natural substances as the appropriate material to use to build, repair and sustain itself. Our skin operates in the same way as the rest of our body in terms of what it will or will not absorb and use. Natural substances are recognized by our skin, internally and externally, as "welcome" ingredients for use in building, repairing, and sustaining itself.
There are many natural anti-aging skin care products we can use topically on the outer surface of our skin. All natural anti-aging skin care products contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and aromas from nature that our skin readily recognizes as appropriate for use. All natural lotions and ointments, help our skin to maintain it's healthy tone, texture, elasticity, aroma and to repair injury, discard waste, breathe properly, sense appropriately, release used skin cells, build new skin cells, protect us, and improve our appearance.. These all natural products contain amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, herbs, enzymes, aromatherapy oils, and other natural substances that support our skin health.
Remember that the most important factor in the health of our skin is our internal physical health. An important aspect of anti-aging skin care is healthy digestion and elimination. Our intestinal system is responsible for absorbing food, nutrients, and water and for eliminating waste and toxins from our bodies. When our intestinal digestive system is overwhelmed, it places an extra burden on our skin to increase it's waste disposal function. When our skin's waste disposal function becomes overwhelmed, we develop skin disorders. This is particularly true when we are tying to digest processed foods, dairy products, or other foods lacking fiber. Food becomes putrefied and toxic because it cannot be processed or eliminated properly. Our skin then attempts to remove these toxins. Pores may become clogged, inflamed, discolored, dry, or oily. If we want healthy anti-aging skin, we need to keep our intestinal digestive system functioning properly. We can help our digestive system with all natural enzymes, essential fatty acids, probiotics and fiber.
Digestive enzymes reduce large food particles so that the body can absorb nutrients and the entire body, skin included, benefits. Discolored skin, wrinkles, or blemishes, can be signs of enzyme deficiency and the loss of collagen that accompanies it. Digestive enzymes reduce free radical damage, help us remove toxins and maintain a healthy balance of beneficial intestinal microflora. Probiotics provide and maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora, vital to our intestinal digestive health and, in turn, the health of our skin. Beneficial flora promotes the health bacteria we need and destroys harmful bacteria that can lead to illness and infection. Unfortunately, synthetic prescription antibiotics destroy the good bacteria along with the harmful bacteria. Probiotics help restore the healthy microflora and bacteria after synthetic antibiotic use. Probiotics also help the skin to have healthy bacteria it needs and eliminate the growth of harmful bacteria.
All natural vitamins such as Vitamins A, C, and E are essential for anti-aging skin care. Vitamin A is needed for skin cell growth and renewal. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that fights free radicals, provides nourishment for the fat layer under the skin. Vitamin A deficiency results in dry, rough skin, eruptions, wrinkles, poor texture and tone. Vitamin C helps repair skin by building collagen and fighting infection. Vitamin C deficiency is connected to aging and ultra violet ray damage. Vitamin E also protects our skin from UV damage, reduces free radicals on our skin surface, and helps prevent the peroxidation of fats which results in skin cell damage.
All natural herbs improve complexion, help remove heat, toxins and swelling from our skin. Herbs can help lighten skin and maintain natural skin moisture..Herbs help prevent scar formation and facilitate new healthy skin growth.
Amino Acids fight harmful bacteria and viruses. Amino acids help carry vital oxygen throughout the body helping our skin breathe. Amino acids are part of facilitating enzyme efficiency and hormonal balance which is a major aspect of anti-aging skin care. Amino acids help stimulate collagen production. Collagen is the tissue that determines skin firmness. By increasing the production of collagen, amino acids can help our skin retain it's firmness, therefore reducing lines and wrinkles.
Essential fatty acids, EFAs, help our skin to become softer, smoother, and retain proper moisture content. Essential fatty acids have a very beneficial effect an the synthesis of prostaglandin hormones in our skin cells. Omega 3, an essential fatty acid, greatly benefits skin texture and may also help prevent the development of skin cancer and aging of our skin.
Our bodies produce Hyaluronic acid which is found to be abundant in young skin. The affects of aging and environment gradually reduces the amount of hyaluronic acid our bodies produce and maintain. Hyaluronic acid is important for our body's connective tissue, especially in our skin. Hyaluronic acid also helps to cushion, lubricate and provide needed flexibility for our skin.
Alpha Lipoic Acid is becoming well known for it's anti-aging effects and is a potent antioxidant that combats skin damage and helps repair past skin damage. Alpha lipoic acid provides great free radical defense especially when combined with other anti-aging antioxidants.Alpha lipoic acid is soluble in both oil and water. Alpha lipoic acid enhances the benefits of vitamins C and E and Coenzyme Q 10.
Coenzyme Q 10 helps decrease cellular oxidation in skin that accompanies aging. CoQ10 enters the layers of the epidermis and reduces the level of oxidation.. CoQ10 helps protect against UV light. CoQ10 activates phosphotyrosine kinases which prevents oxidation damage. CoQ10 is a very important natural nutrient for anti-aging skin care.
Our natural skin requires natural anti-aging skin care. Many all natural anti-aging skin care nutrients are available for us. They include amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, anti-aging antioxidants and anti-aging skin care formulas. We can help our skin externally through the use of topical all natural lotions, ointments, creams and solutions. We can keep our skin healthy internally through the use of all natural supplements, vitamins and formulas. Our skin keeps our internal system in place and protects our internal structure. Our skin provides valuable information about our overall health. Our skin is important not only for our appearance, but more vitally, for our complete well being.
About The Author
Jennifer Kays has over twenty years experience with all natural health care products. Jennifer's mission is to share these all natural health care products through
Posted by Beebee at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Skin Care
Friday, December 28, 2007
Anti Aging Point
Welcome to Anti Aging Point.
Your anti-aging information,tips,treatment resources online.
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