Anti-Aging Physicians: What To Know Before Choosing One... And Why It’s Important To Have One
by: Barbara Morris, R.Ph.
Before looking for an alternative or anti-aging doctor, you must do several things.
First: Educate yourself. If you have a specific medical condition, learn as much as you can about available treatments. (This is good advice even if you are not looking for an alternative physician.) Do not rely just on the Internet, friends or neighbors for information.
Trust yourself. You have the ability to learn what you need to know. If you can read and think, you can become your own expert with the help of a properly trained anti-aging or alternative physician.
Subscribe to a newsletter written by a reputable alternative medical doctor. Your knowledge and self-confidence will increase and improve your relationship with any doctor. You will be in the driver’s seat as managing partner of your health care. Download my Resources List for newsletter and other suggestions.
Next, decide what you expect from an alternative physician. Not all of them think and practice alike. For example, if you want to use human growth hormone (HGH), not all alternative physicians will prescribe it for you. Some alternative physicians do not approve of estrogen replacement.
After you do your homework, start shopping. Ask your pharmacist, (preferably one who operates an independent pharmacy) for a recommendation. Or, log on to for names of alternative physicians in your area. Interview at least several who say they practice alternative or anti-aging medicine.
Be aware that many alternative physicians do not take insurance. You pay for everything out of your pocket. (Your private insurance may reimburse you – check with your plan.) Most alternative physicians don’t take Medicare or private insurance because more than enough people eagerly pay cash for their services.
Scrutinize how their business operates. (Yes, I did say “business.” Doctors are business people, not gods.)
Is there a nutritionist on staff? If so, that’s a definite plus. A nutritionist will take time to educate you about which supplements you need and why they are important. This is a critical benefit for those who know little about diet and supplements.
What kinds of blood tests are done? Blood tests are critical. They tell what's really going on in your body. A good alternative physician will do many tests not done by traditional physicians. For example, traditional physicians often don’t test hormone levels for menopausal women – they just prescribe “one size fits all” synthetic hormones.
After you select a physician, and then decide the doctor is not right for you, don’t hesitate to look elsewhere. There are plenty of dedicated alternative physicians available. The challenge is to find the right one for you.
Why it’s important to have an anti-aging or alternative physician:
Twenty years ago, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reported that 21 hours of education in nutrition was required but found many medical schools did not offer nutrition courses.
A survey published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Vol.83,pp. 9415-9445) re-examined the state of nutrition education in medical schools. The result of the survey showed that less than one half (41 percent) of the responding schools provided the minimum 25 hours or more recommended by the NAS in 1985. Also found was that 17 schools (18 percent) required only less than or equal to 10 hours of nutrition instruction.
This is alarming. Most people rely on their physician for nutrition advice. Less than adequate nutrition training explains why many traditionally trained physicians do not understand the importance of nutrition and may discourage supplement use.
Living an anti-aging lifestyle is easier than you think. With the help of a dedicated alternative physician, you can do it. When you find the right doctor, your health and wellbeing can benefit dramatically.
Copyright 2006 Barbara Morris, R.Ph.
About The Author
Barbara Morris, R.Ph, author of Put Old on Hold, is a recognized anti-aging strategist and pharmacist. Subscribe to her newsletter at and receive a free eBook,” Diva Tested Tips for Fabulous Skin”. Download Barbara’s free Resources list at
Barbara’s expertise is cited in Art Linkletter and Mark Victor Hansen’s new book, How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life. Learn more:
Monday, February 25, 2008
Anti-Aging Physicians
Posted by Beebee at 6:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Anti-Aging Physicians
Monday, February 18, 2008
Make Your Own Anti Aging Creams
Make Your Own Anti Aging Creams
by: David Cowley
There are hundreds of anti-aging products on the drugstore shelves. All of the lotions, potions, creams, toners, moisturizers, and exfoliating for you skin have one thing in common and that is a hefty price tag. Why purchase anti aging lotions when you can make your own right in your kitchen?
Anti aging skin care products fall into several categories, cleaning or exfoliating, moisturizing, and repair. If you have a favorite commercial product that you like then read the label on the jar and look for the active ingredients. You man not know what Hydroquinone is or what it does but with a little research in the internet you can find out that it is used to reduce age spots on the skin by inhabiting melanin production. Melanin is the chemical in you skin that is responsible for tanning.
Cleaning or exfoliating of the skin is the first step in a skin anti aging regiment. Get rid of dead skin cells by exfoliating regularly. You can use crushed sea salt, oatmeal or cornmeal for this. Citrus fruits are also ideal as they help to break down the dead cells. Lemons will make your face will sting slightly but the results are worth it!
Safflower oil doubles as both cooking oil and a natural antioxidant when applied to the skin to moisturize it. Avocado oil can also be used as a skin moisturizer. Both oils can be used as a base to add other ingredients to. Keeping your skin properly moisturized is the best way to make sure it does not age prematurely. Oils are actually more easily absorbed than creams as well.
Most of us have an Aloe Vera plant in the kitchen area and we use it to treat burns. If it can repair damage skin tissue then will also repair the damage to the skin from the aging process. Aloe Vera will help rejuvenate and tone skin all over. A naturally cooling gel, the Aloe Vera botanical ingredients work together to stimulate the blood circulation and naturally soften the skin.
When make your own anti aging creams successfully it will take some time exploring which ingredients are right for you. As with any store bought anti aging cream, home made ones can irritate your skin if they are particularly sensitive, and it's best to try a patch test for any new ingredient you are going to try. Try some different combinations to see what works best for your skin tone. Always select fresh products to gain the most vitamins and minerals as you can from them. This is one of the best advantages to making creams at home.
You will need to incorporate an internal as well as an external anti aging skin treatment for a balanced approach to the problem. After all, why would you put a nice fresh coat of paint on a rusted car? It may look good for a short time but it will not last long.
Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with aging skin such as Beta Carotene, Butterbur, Green Tea, Olbas, and Salicylic Acid.
Beta Carotene helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency. Symptoms of Beta Carotene deficiency include ache, dry dull hair, dry skin and thickened scaly skin on the palms and soles of the feet.
Butterbur is a common herbal extract that is highly effective asthma therapy. As far back as the 17th century, butterbur was used to treat cough, asthma, and skin wounds.
Green Tea contains antioxidants that may protect against heart disease, several types of cancer, and skin damage. The used tea bags are good for the dark circles under the eyes.
Olbas is used to increase the circulation in skin by opening up the skin pores. Olbas oil has been used for its healing properties in cultures around the world for centuries.
Salicylic Acid also helps breakdown blackheads and whiteheads. It also helps cut down the shedding of cells lining the hair follicles clogging the pores of the skin. Salicylic acid is used as a mild abrasive to chemically exfoliate the skin to encourage the peeling of the top layer and to prevent a build-up of dead skin cells which combine with the oil to block pores.
If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.
About The Author
David Cowley has created numerous articles on allergies. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to allergies and how to treat it. Click on
Posted by Beebee at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Own Creams
Sun Tanning And Anti-Aging
Sun Tanning And Anti-Aging
by: Grace Palce
People enjoy the relaxing experience of tanning. And they also love its result, a fabulous bronzed skin. But exposure to the ultraviolet radiation, whether from outdoors or from tanning beds, will cause the skin to age considerably. The tanning process takes away skin oils that make the skin elastic and young. Tanning can lead to the appearance of lines and wrinkles. And frequent tanning may make a person look older than his or her age. To prevent this undesirable effect of tanning, one should consider skin care products.
Skin care products are made up of cleansers, masks, toners, moisturizers, and sun blocks. The cleansers, which come as creams and gels, deeply clean the skin. The masks, which are also known as mud packs or exfoliants, peel off old skin. The toners, which should be non-stringent, remove stubborn dirt lodged in the pores. The moisturizers return the protective skin oils. Moisturizers should be different for various types of skins. And the sun blocks shield the skin from the damaging radiation from the sun or tanning bulbs. Then, there are also specialty skin care products such as eye creams that are meant to lessen facial lines, and lip protectors (for lips are special skin) that are used to prevent the lips from chapping due to freezing or scorching temperatures. Women have cosmetic foundations that have SPF (Sun Protection Factor), which range from SPF 5 to 15.
The range of skin care products seems overwhelming. But all these are important to give maximum protection for the skin. Professionals, such as models, actors and actresses, and salon owners, invest in such skin care products because the condition and age of their skin is vital to their jobs. As for regular guys and gals, the use of skin care products will enhance the beauty of their skin and slow down the process of aging. These products also contribute to the health and suppleness of the skin.
The skin care products preferred by most consumers are those made from naturally occurring substances. Synthetically produced substances for skin care products and cosmetic products may create detrimental side effects. This is why most skin care products are composed of extracts from leaves, roots, flowers, and fruits. These botanicals are known to be safe.
Taking care of your skin may seem to take a lot of effort. But you only have one skin. You spend money on it so that it will have a perfect tan. But you must also invest in skin care products to protect your skin from the aging process caused by tanning and to keep your skin health and younger looking.
About The Author
Grace Palce is writing articles for her own site about home tanning beds and articles about natural remedies for her other site -
Posted by Beebee at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sun Tanning
Friday, February 8, 2008
Use Non-Ablative Lasers to Regain Healthy and Youthful Skin
Use Non-Ablative Lasers to Regain Healthy and Youthful Skin
by: Lim Zheng Yang
Non-ablative lasers can help people with conditions such as wrinkles, brown spots and loss of elasticity.
Before such techniques were available, other invasive procedures resulted in open wounds that took very long to heal.
But now, non-ablative laser procedures can help people improve their skin conditions, without the demerits of older methods.
These lasers do not produce visible wounds because they only target just beneath the skin's surface, leaving the uppermost layer of skin un-harmed.
By emitting a light pulse that is absorbed by the water in skin cells, these potent lasers can dramatically reduce the appearance of fine and deep lines, wherever they may appear on your face.
Additionally, the creation of collagen is triggered since the skin takes it as a signal to heal itself further.
The increase in collagen leads to smoother skin and less wrinkles.
Otherwise known as laser toning, non-ablative laser rejuvenation typically takes a quarter of an hour, and topical anesthetic cream may be applied thereafter.
This is to help sooth the redness and botched skin, which would otherwise last up to several hours.
The good news is, the patient can still put on make up right after the treatment.
The effects of these laser treatments usually lasts about half a year, and can be safely repeated in appropriate intervals to maintain the desired outcome.
About The Author
Lim Zheng Yang used to suffer from acne and has spent countless hours researching on this skin condition and the best ways to treat it. You can read more about his works at his main site at and his blog at . And for his collection of acne resources, you can visit his sub-site at
Posted by Beebee at 4:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Youthful Skin